Stormy's Commissions!
(Please excuse my mess! This carrd is still a WIP, but feel free to look around!!)
Here you can find select pieces of my work that show off my skill as an artist, designer, and writer. Please feel free to look around! Unfortunately, everything here except the "art gallery" tab is still a major work in progress!
Icons (Headshots)
Rough Colored Sketch Icon: $6
Flat Icon: $10
Simple Cell Shading: $12
Complex Cell Shading: $15
Painted Shading: $15
Crayon Shading: $12+(Complex characters are x2 the price OR 1/2 the price of a full illustration in that style, whichever amount is less. Note that all examples shown on this page qualify as simple designs.)

Sketch Commissions
Rough Sketch Simple Character: $10
Rough Sketch Complex Character: $15Clean Sketch Simple Character: $14
Clean Sketch Complex Character: $20Rough Colored Sketch Simple Character: $13
Rough Colored Sketch Complex Character: $20Clean Colored Sketch Simple Character: $18
Clean Colored Sketch Complex Character: $25++ Shading: +1/4th base price(Example of Rough on top, example of Clean on bottom)(Busts 1/2 the price, Half-bodies 2/3rds)

Flats (Lineart + Colors)
Simple Character: $20
Complex Character: $25+(Busts 1/2 the price, Half-bodies 2/3rds)

Simplified "Chibi"
(Simplified designs, rougher anatomy/lines)Base price: $15
+ simple cell shading: $3
+ complex cell shading: $5
+ crayon shading: $3
+ painted shading: $7

Painted Shading
(Backgrounds NOT included)Simple Character: $25
Complex Character: $35+ (only humans are that cheap)(Busts 1/2 the price, Half-bodies 2/3rds)

Cell Shading
(Backgrounds NOT included)Simple Character: $25
Complex Character: $35+(Busts 2/3rd the price)

Full Illustrations
Take the price of the original style and add $$ based on the style of the background:Adding a very simple background (solid color, patterned brush, pre-written bio, etc) +$0 - $10 depending on complexityVague simple backgrounds, patterns that take more than 5 minutes: +$20
(EX: Smokey Dragapult, Aurora Blucomon, 0101 Gallantmon)Simplified nature backgrounds : +$30
(EX: Honchkrow)Detailed nature backgrounds, cities, machinery: Varies

Pixel Spritework
50x50-ratio icons: $10
(+ simple animation: +$2 per frame)PMD Overworld spritesheet: $10 - $20
(These are based on real official sprites and my own spriting knowledge, and thus the price depends heavily on how much custom work I have to do.)Portraits: Depends - usually comparable to normal fullbody prices, depending on complexity of the character and shading requested, as well as the background!

Character Designs
"Simple" Character Designs: $30
(Includes Pokemon fusions, Closed/Open Species designs [when allowed], fakemon, warrior cats designs, etc)
(Left examples are "simple" designs)Complex Character Designs: $40+
(Right [below] design is a complex design)
Complex designs are determined based on anatomy and accessories/complex patterns, not by the amount of markings!

WHAT IS A BUST?A bust, or a headshot, is everything from the lower neck/upper chest! A half-body is from the waist up. See the photo below for clarification.

- Digimon, Pokemon, and other similar character designs
- Closed species and other OCs that you own or have permission to use (I will NOT design characters based on closed species that you do not have a right to create a character in, but if it is within the group's rules, I can design your MYO slots for you!)
- Cartoonified versions of pets (editing the design will be limited if you don't ask for step-by-step pictures or aren't asking for a full on custom design)
- I will do designs loosely based on copyrighted characters, but NOT on other peoples' OCs unless you have their provable permissionWHAT I WONT DRAW:
- Fetish art and NSFW, unless you pay 10x my other prices (yes, really, I will draw nsfw if you pay me 10x, but nothing too terribly graphic). Even mildly suggestive may be subjected to my 10x rule depending on my discretion.
- Hateful or bigoted art, determined at my discretion
- Other people's character that you don't have permission to use
- I may reject fanart of certain fandoms on a case by case basis, but note that Digimon/Pokemon aren't the only fandoms I'll do! (For example, I'll draw MLP, but its not a specialty)Terms of Service:1. You may not use commissioned artwork of mine that is not your commission unless it features your character (such as gift art or a former owner commissioned it) unless you have explicit permission from the commissioner AND both of you inform me of such.
2. You are not to publicly repost your drawing on sites besides toyhou.se and other character reference-storing sites without first asking me. I'll say yes, don't worry, just please tell me first! My toyhou.se is TeamCapumon! The two exceptions to this (besides character storing sites) are via instant messaging (IE discord) and use as icons/banners/themes, with credit of course!
3. You must ALWAYS credit me when reposting the art - i can provide a version with a small, discreet watermark if that's easier for you than typing it out.
4. You may not edit my drawings to be NSFW.
5. You may not use my character designs in NSFW scenarios. You can pay me 10x the price on the character design to remove this limitation, but even then, certain designs I will not allow to be used in NSFW content due to certain elements they contain.
6. If you trick me into drawing fetish/kink art for you at my normal rates, even if you say it "isnt sexual" but its specifically meant for a fetish or kink, I will draw you what you actually paid for (AKA not your fetish/kink and idc what your specifications are) and keep your money, and you'll be banned from commissioning me in the future.
6. I do not currently have anyone who is disallowed from using my designs or art, but I will add them here if that ends up happening.
7. I take payment upfront only, unfortunately. However, I can do partial upfront payments for each step of the process that you're concerned about, and I will offer a partial refund if you're unsatisfied and dont want to continue after a certain step. The refund will be based on what remains after I take out the cost of the work I've already done.
8. Please ASK if you want to be shown a step by step of your commission! I might show you anyways, but it's better to tell me upfront so I know I'm not bothering you by asking! I'll give you more info if you ask. Sometimes I don't even send confirmation on the sketch/colors (although I usually will just to be safe) before I finish my drawing - I try to do my drawings in a way where I can easily adjust the colors at least, but like I said, please ask for in-depth updates if you're especially concerned about specificity, it's not a bother at all!
9. You may NOT use your commission or ANY of my art for NFTs.
10. You may NOT use your commission for profit without telling me / asking me about it first - IE uploading it on sites like redbubble for public purchase (if you use it to buy a shirt for yourself with your commission on it or something, that's fine, I'd love to see it when it arrives but you don't need my permission!) I'm honestly pretty chill with anything if you offer a profit share of any amount, but I want the ability to discuss it on a case by case basis. AKA, I will usually say yes, but you have to ask me first!
11. You may NOT feed my art through any AI programs (especially art generators, no matter how meme-y they are) without my permission.
12. This TOS is retroactive to all previous* and future commissions, and is subject to minor changes/additional restrictions at any given time, but the spirit of the TOS will remain the same - basically, don't do anything besides sharing with friends/archiving in a character folder without my permission, but as long as you ask I'll probably say go for it! If you truly believe that one of these TOS violates what you agreed to when you commissioned me originally, I welcome that criticism as these TOS are meant to be completely fair to the commissioner and your feedback is important to me!
12b. *Reuploading TOS is not applicable to reuploads made before 4/26/2023. All reuploads made before then are presumed to be in good faith.
V-tuber spritesIncludes a simple 2-frame animation, with both speaking and non-speaking variants. You will get both gif files as well as the stills of each frame. Drawing is bust, only down to the chest or waist, and does not include wings or other complex anatomical features besides the mouth, eyes, and arms.Simple Flat Character: $26
Simple Cell Shaded Character: $6
Complex Flat Character: $36+
Complex Cell Shaded Character: $48+
My primary passion in life is to become a writer for an animated children's television show. As such, I'm working on developing a robust portfolio of scripts!You can download my spec scripts here.You can download my original scripts here.
Novel texts:
These are written like snippets out of a novel. You can download examples of my work here.Editorials:
These are persuasive works and analysis of media, including research work for both, that would fit well in an online editorial paper. You can download examples of my persuasive essays and critical analysis here.